Open Source

Transforming Figma Icons into Dynamic Fonts

Typescript Figma API Node.js Webpack
Icon2font Thumbnail

In the dynamic world of design and development, efficiency and flexibility are key factors that contribute to a seamless workflow. Recognizing the need to streamline the process of exporting icons from Figma and integrating them into various projects, the Icon2Font project was born. This Figma plugin simplifies the transformation of icons into fonts, providing a range of output formats and supporting popular technologies like React and TypeScript.

The Genesis of Icon2Font

The genesis of Icon2Font was sparked by the daily challenges I faced as a developer. The repetitive task of manually exporting icons from Figma and integrating them into various projects was not just time-consuming; it also led to inconsistencies and hindered my creative process. Determined to streamline this workflow, I embarked on a journey to develop a solution that would automate the icon-to-font conversion process – and thus, Icon2Font was born.

The Development Journey

Creating Icon2Font involved delving into the intricacies of Figma plugins and font generation. Leveraging the Figma API, I crafted a seamless integration that allows users to select icons directly within Figma and export them effortlessly. This integration aimed to enhance the user experience by keeping the entire process within the Figma environment.

Technologies at Play

Figma API

The heart of Icon2Font lies in its integration with the Figma API. This connection facilitates smooth communication between the Figma design tool and the plugin, enabling users to export icons seamlessly without leaving the design environment.

Font Generation Libraries

To support a wide range of web and application development scenarios, Icon2Font utilizes font generation libraries for creating various formats, including WOFF, EOT, TTF, and SVG.

Frontend frameworks and TypeScript

Understanding the prevalence of Frontend frameworks and TypeScript in modern web development, I ensured that Icon2Font provides out-of-the-box support for these technologies. This decision simplifies the integration process for developers working in these popular frameworks.


Recognizing the diverse styling preferences within the development community, Icon2Font supports both CSS and SASS. This flexibility allows developers and designers to seamlessly integrate icons into their projects while adhering to their preferred styling methodologies.

Key Features

Font Format Support

Icon2Font supports a variety of font formats, including WOFF, EOT, TTF, and SVG, ensuring compatibility with different browsers and platforms.

Frontend frameworks and TypeScript Integration

With built-in support for Frontend frameworks and TypeScript, Icon2Font aligns with the preferences of modern web developers, facilitating a smoother integration process.

CSS and SASS Export

To accommodate different styling methodologies, the plugin supports both CSS and SASS, providing users with the flexibility to integrate icons in a way that suits their project requirements.

Customization Options

Icon2Font offers customization options such as Fontname, Prefix, Suffix, and Delimiter, allowing users to tailor the generated font to fit specific project needs.

Preview Site Generation

One of the standout features of Icon2Font is its ability to automatically generate a preview site. This feature enables users to visualize and interact with the exported icons, ensuring a seamless transition from design to implementation.

Open Source Collaboration

Icon2Font is my contribution to the community, an open-source project inviting collaboration and contributions. By sharing the source code, I hope to encourage others to build upon the foundation, contribute enhancements, and collectively ensure the project remains relevant and up-to-date.

In conclusion, Icon2Font reflects my dedication to improving workflow efficiency for designers and developers. By addressing a common pain point in the design and development process, Icon2Font adds value to the community by providing a powerful, flexible, and open-source solution for transforming Figma icons into dynamic fonts.